Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Buy one get one free sale

Come check out my Buy One Get One Sale.

I've decided to list quite a few items in my shop as BOGO. Which will allow me to clear out some inventory. Which of course in turn allows me to purchase supplies to make new pretties. With Christmas fast approaching jewelry makes the perfect gift. Sounds a little like a Kay commercial doesn't it ha-ha.

Everything in my shop is handmade by none other than Moi..

The materials I use consist of mainly Czech Glass beads, my favorite glass!! Natural stones, Swarovski crystals, sterling silver, and of course art glass.

Stop on by and check it out today. There are so many lovely shops on Etsy. Come check me out. Then if you have a moment stay a while to browse this wonderful website full of Handmade and Vintage goodies. You'll find pretty much anything your little heart desires. If you look to the right of my blog here you will see a list of some of my Fav shops. These are just a few mind you. I have so many I truly adore
Here is a taste of some of my items currently on sale...



Monday, September 27, 2010

A Break from the Norm

So this is a Breakdown of my busy weekend. While I can't say I was as productive as I had intended to be with my collection, I did manage to post another picture. I also took a trip to a local craft Co-op in my area. I have decided to try out a showcase to display some of my jewelry. I love being on Etsy it is such a blast, But I also like selling to people face to face. There's something rewarding about it. I love meeting people and chatting it up. It provides such a rich opportunity for a jabber jaw like myself. What can I say I'm a people person. He he.

Saturday my son was kind enough to wake me up before the sun. Isn't he so thoughtful? Now mind you he had not intended to wake his sleeping mother. I just happen to sleep extremely lightly. I'm the type once I'm up I'm up. I was awakened by sound effects courtesy of Xzavior and metal Hot wheels crashing together. This was then followed by the sound of the dog and cats fleeing the oncoming path of destruction. So I got out of bed a little before 7 am. I guess really its still sleeping in for me as I normally get up somewhere between 4:30-5 AM. So I slugged down a gulp of Coffee. God I love my Coffee pot and Timer. It is my BFF in the morning. This bought me about 5 minutes before the onslaught of 5 year old chatter. Which I adore,just let me finish the cup first Kay kid.. NEVER HAPPENS. He like his mother is a talker. well what goes around right? Once caffeinated fully awake and after the boy was fed some breakfast we played. What you ask? CARS CARS CARS. Xzavior loves many things he has the gentlest sole of anyone I know. Loves animals especially Kitties. But he is 100% Boy. His favorite thing on this planet is Trains. Steam engines in particular. Second fav. CARS CARS CARS....Its a good thing Hot Wheels only cost a dollar. I am often thankful I grew up a non prissy Tomboy. As I never mind smashing cars racing and of course digging in the dirt.

So after playing in the early morning we awoke the beast (Jim) and prepared for the Grape Jamboree. This is a local fair all about you guessed it Grapes. Its to cute. Xzavior loves it. Of course what kid doesn't like rides and way overpriced games that trap us into spending more money letting our kids play to get a 3 dollar toy then just say going to a store and buying a better toy for the same amount you end up dumping by the time they are done. Hmm Run -on-rant. My apologies! At least they have fun. That I suppose is the point. Worth it in the end. We then walked over to the main street time for the Parade. Jims niece is a Twirler. Had to watch for her..

Then came the Birthday party at Jims sisters house. Xzavior's best buddy Ian. What a party. A costume party to be exact. He had a blast and best part is he stayed the night. Do you know what that means? Date night for mom and Dad. Now these details I shall not divulge. Sorry something's just aren't for sharing. I will say I had a wonderful chilly evening with the most amazing man on the planet. Well to me anyway. Hopefully we all have or will have or have had one of those types. As I believe everyone should!

Sunday I was once again up bright and Early. Though I did not mind. I got up and drove to Downtown Cleveland for the Autism speaks Walk. I was so glad to see a great turn out. So many good people!! I had so much fun. After the walk I went to check out the Co-op. In the meantime back on the Homestead Boo Boo Bear was picked up by Jim and taken to the park to play. I was sorry that I missed that but we rendezvous later for family night out. Dinner and a 3D movie.Legends of the Guardians'. Awesome movie a must see if you have children. Also a trip to Home Depot. Hey I needed some supplies and Jim wanted to look around.

All in all such a great weekend. Worked a tiny bit, but played allot. Yeah sure Ill have more to do this week to catch up. Ohwell. Life is short might as well Play hard and enjoy it RIGHT?

The Way Out

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My photos

So I have been working on my Woodland collection. Which features natural based elements. So as you can Imagine there is a lengthy process involved in this. . I have had so much fun working on these items I can't wait to share them. Hopefully another few days and they will be done. Not a hard process just time consuming. One that is well worth it.

That being said I have had some time in the in between days to do other things. Which is also wonderful. I decided to start playing around with some of my Digital prints.

Most of you don't know this but I very much adore photography. I love to take pictures of pretty much anything and everything. As long as I'm not in them that is ! I especially love black and white, and sepia tones. However, don't get me wrong I love a good color bomb as well. I digress...

So I have started going through some of my prints and will be listing several on Etsy. You will find a few that I posted last night below. A beautiful Black and white barn and a sepia toned farm house.

I took these pictures at an abandon Century farm somewhere in Jefferson Ohio. We were just driving along one day and there it was in all its dilapidated glory. So we pulled off the side of the road and I went to town.I try to always have my camera with me ready to go.

I absolutely love old buildings, Century homes and Farms, Barns. Anything that has a history. I just found this place so intriguing. Can you just Imagine what life was like there? All the hard work done there? A time and a lifestyle that just doesn't exist anymore.
Forget Me Not

Hard Works Over

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Post-it-Note Princess

So this past week has been Go Go Go. Which I suppose really doesn't differ from any other week.

Trying to find that lovely balance between work, and play. Spend time with my little boy, spend time with the big boy.

Of course not to mention my website and my artwork and crafts.

Busy is great I thrive for it.,don't get me wrong. However sometimes I get well distracted from what I want to do.By doing all the stuff I have to do. I will admittedly say that I am the Queen of sticky notes and lists.

Really helps to get me organized. My piece in the chaos. I am constantly making little lists and sticking them in my purse. Cross the To Dos off as I go. Does wonders for keeping me on track. I also use a calendar for events, School events,Due bills etc.

Tell me what it is you do to stay on top of things

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Welcome to my blog

Hi. This is my very first blog post, and as a matter of fact this is my very first blog so bare with me here at first. If you have read my about me section you already know a little. I make jewelry which I currently sell on I also enjoy making other crafts as well. Some of my favorite materials for my jewelry include Czech glass, natural elements such as stone, shells, wood, leaves,flowers etc. I'm a big big fan of Swarovski crystals. You will find them in allot of my pieces. Also a big fan of sterling silver.I started making jewelry when I realized that I could make the jewelry I buy for half the price of what you pay in big department stores. Not to mention when I made my own pieces I got exactly what I was looking for naturally. After that Friends and Coworkers started requesting pieces. The rest is history. I've done a few shows with a great turn out. After that a wonderful person who just happens to make the coolest fuzzy birthday hats and accessories turned me on to etsy.
 I have been an addict ever since. So I figured why not have my own Etsy shop. 

That wonderful person I mentioned above with the birthday hats accessories and girly hair clips is 

Please do check her out.

Come see my shop at

Thanks for visiting!!